Wed, 27 Nov 2013 12:51

NSA collected porn visits data to discredit 'radicalizers' Link Enclosure Enclosure Source: RT - USA

Wed, 27 Nov 2013 00:44

A list of the National Planning Scenarios:
Scenario 1: Nuclear Detonation '' Improvised Nuclear Device
Scenario 2: Biological Attack '' Aerosol Anthrax
Scenario 3: Biological Disease Outbreak '' Pandemic Influenza
Scenario 4: Biological Attack '' Plague
Scenario 5: Chemical Attack '' Blister Agent
Scenario 6: Chemical Attack '' Toxic Industrial Chemical
Scenario 7: Chemical Attack '' Nerve Agent
Scenario 8: Chemical Attack '' Chlorine Tank Explosion
Scenario 9: Natural Disaster '' Major Earthquake
Scenario 10: Natural Disaster '' Major Hurricane
Scenario 11: Radiological Attack '' Radiological Dispersal Device
Scenario 12: Explosives Attack '' Bombing Using Improvised Explosive Device
Scenario 13: Biological Attack '' Food Contamination
Scenario 14: Biological Attack '' Foreign Animal Disease
Scenario 15: Cyber Attack Link Source: BadChad's ThoughtPile

Wed, 27 Nov 2013 00:17

This the the "toolkit" by which exercises are developed and deconstructed.

6-week cycle generator Link